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13 Rarest Cat Breeds Ever (Video)

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From the adorable British Shorthair to the beautiful Turkish Angora these are 13 most rare & exotic cat breeds wild and domesticated.

7. The British Shorthair
Known as one of the most ancient breeds to exist, the British Shorthair remains as the most famous pedigreed breed in all of Great Britain. This was the cat that inspired another famous cat in literature, Alice in Wonderland’s very own Cheshire Cat and the “I Can Has Cheezburger?” meme. British shorthairs usually are seen sporting a blueish gray coat, but other variations such as tabby, and colorpoint are known to occur, and the well-known copper eyes.

6. The Tonkinese Cat
These adorable little cats are a true crossbreed between a Burmese and a Siamese cat. Their coats are known to come in four different color variations; natural, champagne, blue, and platinum. They can also be distinguished by their signature aquamarine colored eyes. The Tonkinese is now officially recognized as a natural breed as it was discovered that they’ve been around since the 14th century. This breed is especially playful and lively thanks to their parents and should only be considered by those who want an interactive feline friend.

5. The Caracal
This wild cat is known for being quite secretive which makes it rather difficult to observe and can be found living in the regions of Persia, Africa, the Middle East, and etc. What makes it even more difficult to study is that these cats are mostly nocturnal and typically live alone or sometimes in pairs. Caracals live off of a diet of small rodents, birds, and mammals but unfortunately, their habit is being threatened by agricultural expansion and desertification, which is why they're classified as Least Concern. Female caracals are capable of reproducing a litter of around 1-6 kittens that usually go off on their own around 9 to 10 months, however, some females will stay behind for a little longer.

4. The Egyptian Mau
This short-haired breed of cat is recognized by its famous spots which make it one of the very few breeds of domesticated cats that have natural occurring spots. Fun fact: Egyptian Maus are the fastest breed of domesticated cats and have been recorded at running up to speeds of up to 30 miles per hour! Not only that but they’re known for having quite the musical voice and friendly personality. To give you an idea of how rare this breed is, it was noted in 2006 that there was only a total of 6,742 Maus that were registered with the Cat Fancier’s Association.

3. The Kurilian Bobtail
This fluffy little breed originates from the cold tundra of Russia and depending on the specific cat can either have a short coat or a long coat that is constantly shedding, so grooming them is considered to be high maintenance. Just like the Egyptian Mau, the Kurilian Bobtail is considered to be extremely vocal and is often heard meowing, especially throughout the night. These cats make for especially good pets as they are moderately affectionate with people but still like to have some quality time for themselves. Kurilian Bobtails are a relatively healthy breed but owners should watch out for diarrhea and Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease. Other than that, these cats should be expected to live around 14 to 20 years.

2. The Turkish Angora
Originating from Turkey, the Turkish Angora has been recorded as being around since the early 17th century. It’s believed that these cats are the origin for the mutation of long hair and the white color pattern in cats. Owners of a Turkish Angora know just how much these cats love attention and it's recommended that these cats be left alone for no more than 4 to 8 hours a day. That being said, these cats act well around people and their life expectancy is anywhere from around 15 to 18 years. These social and intelligent creatures are also known for having heterochromia, a mutation that gives them two different eye colors.

1. The Sphynx
This hairless breed of cat was created through selective breeding back in the 1960’s. Did you know that even though these cats appear to be “hairless” they actually aren’t? Instead, their skin is covered in fine hairs that are said to resemble the feeling of chamois leather. Because of this, they lose more body heat than their hair covered counterparts. The Sphynx has been described as being more dog-like than an actual cat because of their very friendly attitude towards strangers and they greet their owners at the door. They can live to be around 13 to 14 years old and require a bath every 1 to 2 weeks because the oils on their body build up.
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John Tsipas



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