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Bookmarks 100 : 10 Elite Animals Whose Names Begin with The Letter Q

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Quails are several species of medium-sized birds in the dove or pheasant family. Some of these species include: Japanese Quail, New Zealand Quail, California Quails, Chinese Painted Quail, Stubble Quail, Rain Quail, Jungle Bush Quail, and Scaled Quail. Most species inhabit deserts, forests, woodlands and shrubs. Though capable of flying, most quails don’t fly and instead run. 

They make their nests in the ground that may hold seven to fourteen eggs.
Plumage vary from brown, gray and white. All species of quails feed on insects, small animals and seeds except the Snow Mountain Quails that feeds on leaves and flowers as well as small animals, insects and seeds. These plump birds are often hunted for their meat and eggs. 


The hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria), or quahog is an edible marine bivalve mollusk widespread throughout north America. Quahogs are mostly found often found in estuaries buried just below the sand. These hard-shell clams grow from 1 to 4 inches wide. Shell color varies from white to grey, with dark rings. Quahog Clams have tender meats with a distinctive sweet flavor and salty accent.


The Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) is a beautiful bird known for its colorful plumage on its head and body.  Listed as near threatened on the IUCN Red List, these solitary birds are mostly found in Central American countries including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. They inhabit high altitude cloud-forests. They are known  poor fliers.

Adults average from36–40 cm long with about 65 cm tail feathers and weighs about 210 g . Resplendent Quetzals have green bodies with red plumage breasts. Males carry yellow beaks while females have black beaks. Males sport black head, neck and chests; females are more brown in coloring. The Resplendent Quetzal is a specialized fruit-eaters specially avocado fruits, but will occasionally feed on ants, frogs, and wasps.


The Quokka (Setonix brachyurus), is a small marsupial measuring between 40 – 90 cm long and weighs 2.5 to 5 kg. looking like a wallaby or a kangaroo, it has a short but broad head characterized by a dark strike on the forehead. It has a stocky body, naked nose, rounded ears, and a 25 to 30 cm tail. Its body has long thick coarse fur usually brown or gray in color.

Quokkas are widespread on islands off the coast of Western Australia, in particular Rottnest Island off Perth. They prefer living in shrub lands, dense vegetation and moist conditions. A nocturnal animal, they are very active at night searching for food. Its diet include: grasses, leaves, shrubs and succulent plants. Quokkas can survive for long periods without drinking water.


Quolls are any of the six different species of medium-sized carnivorous marsupials found across Australia, Papua New Guinea and Tasmania. They inhabit grassy habitats and woodland. Generally the size of cats, adults can reach 130 cm in length with a hairy tail about 20 – 35 cm long. and 4 kg in weight. Most species have brown with white spots fur. Quolls have powerful claws used in climbing, digging, running, and holding food. An omnivorous and nocturnal animal, it hunts at night searching for birds, mice, frogs, lizards, insects, small reptiles, small mammals, lizards, plant seeds and fruits.

Queen Angelfish

The Queen angelfish (Holacanthus ciliaris), also called Blue Angelfish, Golden Angelfish, Queen Angel, and Yellow Angelfish, is a species of angelfish commonly found in tropical & sub-tropical coastal marine waters. These shy reef fishes are well-known for their speckled, blue-ringed black spot on their heads looking like a crown. Adults sport yellow face, electric blue bodies with yellow edging on its scales, and blazing yellow tails. They can grow up to 45 cm long and weigh up to 1.6 kg. Queen angelfish feed mostly on sponges and algae  but at times hunt for soft corals, and jellyfish. A popular aquarium fish, Queen angelfish can live up to 15 years in the wild. life span in the wild

Queen snake

The queen snake (Regina septemvittata) is a non-venomous snake found in the temperate region of North America. These aquatic snakes are mostly found in streams, rivers as well as lakes. Generally, they are gray to to olive or dark brown in color. The slender body is mark with three faint stripes running across it and the belly is usually yellow. Queen snakes have narrow head mark with nine large plate-like scales and the pupil of the eyes are round. A medium-sized snake, it can measures up to 60 cm long. It feeds mostly on crayfish but also prey on fairy shrimps, frogs, minnows, newts, and snails.


Quelea (Quelea quelea) is a small weaverbird found throughout East Africa. On average quelas measure 13 cm in length and weigh around 1.4 grams. Considered as local pests, they are often found in flocks of over a million birds capable of damaging up to 60 tons of grain in a single day. Males build nests in thick trees housing hundreds of females and young. Aside from grain, qealeas feed on ants and leaves of trees.

Queen Triggerfish

The Queen triggerfish (Balistes vetula) is a reef dwelling fish widespread in the Atlantic Ocean. They are found ruined reef tops, coral and grassy areas in depths of up to 20 meters. Named after the spines found on their backs, Queen triggerfish are typically carry brown coloration mark with blue lines on its head and fins.  and head. They have the ability to change color to adopt to its surrounding. The eyes situated high on its head can move independently of each other. It has small mouth with large, sturdy teeth. One of the largest triggerfish, it can grow up to 60 cm long. It feeds mostly on marine invertebrates.

Quillback Rockfish

The quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) is a salt water fish common in bays and waterways of the Pacific coast. Like other rockfish, the quillbacks are found resting on rocks or hiding in rock gaps at depths of 150 feet or more. Named for the sharp quills on the dorsal fin, they are distinguished by their spotted orange-brown coloring. Adults measure about 61 cm in length and 0.9 – 3 kg in weight. Quillbacks feeds on amphipods, copepods, crabs, herring and pelagic crustaceans.
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John Tsipas


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