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Living With Lions

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Zoo owner and artist Alek­sandr Pylyshenko lies next to female African lion Katya inside a cage at a pri­vate zoo sit­u­ated in his yard in the city of Vasi­lyevka, south­east­ern Ukraine August 3. Pylyshenko decided to spend five weeks in a cage with a pair of African lions, Katya and Sam­son, to get money for improv­ing the lions’ liv­ing con­di­tions, accord­ing to local media. He is broad­cast­ing it on inter­net to attract the public’s atten­tion to plight of wild ani­mals in pri­vate Ukrain­ian zoos, which do not get enough fund­ing.

Images Credit: Gleb Garanich / Reuters

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John Tsipas


Strange and Mysteries

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