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Top 10 Most Expensive iPad Apps

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If spending nearly $700 USD on your new Apple iPad 2 64 GB hasn’t fulfilled your urge to part with money, fear not. Don’t waste anymore time browsing iTunes slowly, spending your wealth on less expensive iPad Apps that just cost a few dollars. Just for you, we’ve collected the costliest choices of the App Store.

TouchChat IconTouchchat HD – AAC with WordPower – $299.99

If you have trouble reading this or communicating with natural speech and words, you probably need Touchchat HD. In all seriousness, this iPad app seems like it could be useful tool for communicating with the impaired.
MBA Learning iconMBA Learning Studio. Platinum Edition – $299.99
MBA Learning iPad app
Who needs expensive graduate degrees when you have an MBA program available at any time on your iPad?

Becker Flashcards iconBecker’s 2011 CPA Mobile Flashcards for iPad $299.99
CPA iPad app
Step up your memorization on the path to your thrilling career as a CPA. Trade the time and paper needed to build your own flashcards in and with just a simple payment of $299.99 turn your iPad into flashcards.

MobileCamViewerMobileCamViewer – $349.99
MobileCamViewer iPad app
You aren’t being paranoid when everyone is actually out to get you. MobileCamViewer lets you be
omnipresent, watching 6 cameras at one time in absolute control of any situation.

idia iconiDIA Diagnostic Imaging Atlas – $349.99 (Equine), $399.99 (Small Animal)
IDIA iPad app
Hay is for horses, but iDIA Diagnostic Imaging Atlas Equine is for horse veterinarians. You better hope the vet treating your million dollar thoroughbred has this expensive iPad application. There’s also a small animal version.

mySCADA iconmySCADA – $399.99
mySCADA expensive app
We actually have no idea what mySCADA does but apparently SCADA is short for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition and mySCADA features an advanced Human Machine Interface (HMI). Sounds like serious business.

Architactile iconArchitactile Inception – $499.99
Architactile iPad app
Architactile Inception is the archetypal application for architects to enable and accelerate their architecture.

Alchemist iconThe Alchemist SMS- $999.99
Alchemist SMS for iPad
The Alchemist SMS (Scrape Management System). While alchemy hasn’t yet perfected transmutation, The Alchemist SMS allegedly helps users in the steel and scrap industry create gold by reducing costs.

Wolfvision iPad iconIntuition Control Solo WolfVision – $999.99
Intuition Control Solo WolfVision
Control your patent-pending WolfVision visualizers! Revolutionize video conferencing! Use exclamation points for impact! Save your visualizer images right on your iPad!

Barmax for iPad iconBarMax CA and BarMax NY for iPad – $999.99

Harvard lawyers have teamed up with top iPad developers to sell you on the litigious dream of long stress filled work hours. Now you can study for your bar exam in between games of Angry Birds right on your iPad! Just one easy payment of $999.99.
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John Tsipas

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