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Girl seems like wolf got into the Guinness Book

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11-year-old Supatra recognizes that proud to be considered a "very hairy girl in the world." Her life around other kids teased Supatra, calling the girl "obezyanolitsey" and "girl-wolf", but now that Supatra hit the Guinness Book of Records, kids at school began to treat her very differently. "I am happy that I got into the record books. Many people have to try to prove it. And I asked a few questions - and all "- she says

She suffers from a congenital syndrome Taika Ambras hypertrichosis, or better known as Werewolf Syndrome, associated with changes in the chromosomes. Supatra - one of 50 people in the world who suffer from this rare genetic disorders. Her face, ears, hands, legs and back cover hair that resist even laser removal, on the contrary, becoming thicker and thicker, so the girl's mother just regular trims the hair on the face of his daughter. that could eventually lead to blindness. In addition, "the girl-wolf" are prone to allergies.

Now that school tormentors are no longer worried about the girl Supatra finally joined the team of class and even became popular. - There were a few people who teased me a monkey, but they no longer do. " - Says the girl.

"I'm used to this state, I do not feel the hair on his face, though because of them I do not always see what is happening around them. I hope that someday they will be able to cut off," - she says.

Energetic little Taika not give the disease to deprive her chance at a normal life. "I like math, so I can then teach other children. I want to become a doctor and help others solve their health problems" - recognized Supatra.

Her father, 38-year-old Sammrueng said that at birth Supatra nostrils were wide only 1 millimeter, so the girl could not breathe normally and the first three months of his life in an incubator. Later had to surgery in order to expand the nostrils of the girls. Then Supatra spent in hospital for about ten months. At the age of two girls did another surgery, after which she was able to breathe normally.

Later, when her parents Supatra, a 38-year Sammrueng and Somfon, took her daughter home from the hospital, they encountered several problems. "When our neighbors first saw her daughter, they asked me what a terrible sin I committed. - Admits Sammrueng. Parents are worried that other children tease their daughter, but she learned quickly to have people to come, so that girls have many friends.

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John Tsipas

Extreme and Amazing


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